As a result of the transaction cost theory and got the Nobel economics

by Internet Archive Book Images In all, the Chief Executive and CEO as almost one thing, academically but also change. As a result of the transaction cost theory and got the Nobel economics prize Coase (R.Coase), one of the main contributions to the understanding of markets, why is there a business provides the theoretical explanation. […]

Book Review: The Universal Physics Theory by benoit Launier

by Hannes R In the third edition of Benoit Launier’s controversial physics treatise, “The Universal Physics Theory”, the author takes aim at everything we believe to be true. Launier has never felt comfortable with the truths we hold to be self-evident, nor the textbooks said to be true. Launier takes aim at any and every […]

String Theory

String Theory I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( quantum, quantum physics, quantum physic, quantum mechanic, quantum mechanics, quantum break,… “The Fabric of the Cosmos” based on the book by renowned physicist and author Brian Greene, takes us to the frontiers of physics to see how scientists are piecing together the most […]