Why Physics Is Awesome: The Power Of Resonance!
Why is resonance awesome? Watch and find out! Entry for Thunderf00t’s April 2013 video competition. Source for view of physics impacting success in physics: Colloquium on science education,…
Tutorial showing you how to solve equilibrium problems using the principle of moments. Matches AQA AS Physics A Unit 2 Specification.
Nice simple explanation of resonance. BUT ….:-) Tacoma bridge is not
resonance example but flutter and that is different. Resonance freq but
different excitation.
I’ve been trying to find an explanation for why objects have specific
resonant frequencies. Such as the wine glass. Why is that particular
frequency the resonant frequency of that wine glass? Does it have to do
with molecular structure? Wave interference patterns? Thank you
learning physis is fun you use
This word game to mind as i was listening to binaural beast and music with
specifc hertz…432……etc… HMM
Wonderful video! Can you also explain harmonics pl.? I am a mechanical
engineer who design automobile transmission. When it comes to NVH issues,
often the term ‘harmonics’ is heard discussing by our NVH engineer.
so can you explain the LC oscillator better… please
YO! GAC KIDS! Wassup!!!!
Resonance accident (Bridge collapse)
This is an example of resonance
Would be good if you could remove all the curse words from your
presentation. I would like to show it to my class, but that prevents me
from doing so.
Common misconception about the Tacoma Narrows. Resonance played less of a
role than aeroelastic fluttering (which caused the twisting motion).
Minute physics did a great vid on this. The Tacoma Narrows Fallacy
It’s called the Tacoma narrows bridge. There’s a link to the video in the
notes for the video, apparently there was a single casualty, the engineers
dog 🙁
Great vid as usual. 🙂 A question: What bridge is that at the end?
It is very well done. It would be helpful to have your same voice stop the
“Music” at the beginning of the video just after the one refrain and have
your voice actually ask which one does not belong. I was honestly put off
by the music. One refrain is of the choral line does the trick and is a
propos. I would also qualify “studies show” to say what studies show…the
imaging is suberb and the tone of your voice just right to get the message
across. I love the end and the quip about the PhD. A+
Thanks for subscribing. I was wondering where all the new viewers were
coming from.
I was under the impression that the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse was due
to aeroelastic flutter, not mechanical resonance of the bridge with the
vortices it caused in the passing air…
I don’t think these were playing a song. But I have seen some awesome music
played by them.
Big bird is the greatest! How dare anyone say bad things about him! Oh and
interesting videos, subbed!
Great Video! Keep it up!
Good old tangential parametric amplification, beloved of all children. I
like your stuff – sent here by Steve Shives and subbed.
glad you enjoyed the videos enough to subscribe.
I don’t actually know the term ‘aeroelastic flutter’ (I’m not an engineer),
but the reason it the bridge was able to oscillating like that is because
the wind was driving it at it’s resonant frequency
Awesome videos man! 😀 And not the dog D: